³æ¤¸4. Segmentation II : Region Growing
1. Region-based segmentation: ¦pªGRªí¥Ü¤@±i¼v¹³ªº¥þ³¡½d³ò¡A¼v¹³¤Á³Îªº¥Øªº¬O±NR¤Á³Î¦¨nӰ϶ô¡GR1,R2,¡K,Rn ¨Ãº¡¨¬¤U¦C±ø¥ó¡G Seeded Region growing¡G ¿ï¨ú¤@§åºØ¤l(seed)pixels¡A¥Hseed¬°®Ö¤ß¶i¦æ¦¨ªø(grow)¡A§PÂ_seed©P³òpixels¬O§_»Pseed¨ã¦³¬Û¦üªº¯S©Ê(¦Ç¶¥È¡B¸`²z¡B¦â±m) ¡A¦pªG¬O¡A«h±µ¨ü¸Ópixel¬°¦P¤@region¡A¦A¥H¦¹·sªºpixel¬°®Ö¤ß¡AÄ~Äò°»¬d©P³ò©|¥¼³QÂkÃþ¨ì¥ô¤@regionªºpixel¡Aª½¨ì¼v¹³©Ò¦³pixels³£¤ÀÃþ§¹¦¨¡C Following Adams and
Bischof, we say that the seeds are grouped into n sets, A1; A2; . . .; An. Each step
of the algorithm adds a single pixel to one of these sets. To achieve this
and maintain a homogeneity criterion, the set T of all as-yet
unallocated pixels bordering at least one region is employed where N(x) is the
nearest eight neighbors of the pixel x. If for x where g(x) is the
gray-scale intensity value of x. If N(x) meets two or more of the Ai, the value i(x) is taken to
be the value of i
that N(x) meets Ai and d(x)
minimized. A z and append z to Ai(z). This
completes a single step of the algorithm and the same process is iterated
until all pixels have been allocated to a set. The implementation of
SRG employs a linked list storing the data of T , which is ordered
according to d(x) . Adams and Bischof
refer to this as a sequentially sorted list (SSL). The SSL remains ordered
throughout the progression of the algorithm, so that by simply processing the
first entry at each time step, d(x) is
satisfied. Thus, a search cost must be incurred to locate appropriate
positions when adding new members to the SSL. ºtºâªk¡G Initialization: ¤@Ó²¤Æªººtºâªkª©¥»¡G // main function ...... /* Initialize region statistics */ Total = Count = 0; for (y = Yseed - 5; y <= Yseed + 5; y++) for (x = Xseed - 5; x <= Xseed + 5; x++) if ((x >= 0) && (y >= 0) && (x < nc-1) && (y < nr-1)) { Count++; Total += ima1.m[y][x]; } /* Perform recursive seeded region growing */ RegionGrow(ima1, ima2, Xseed, Yseed); cout<<"region contain "<<Count<<" points with mean value = "<<Total/Count; ......
// RegionGrow function void RegionGrow(uc2D &ima1, uc2D &ima2, int x, int y) { float Diff, Mean;
/* Check to see if point already part of region */ if (ima2.m[y][x] == 0) { /* See if point is close enough to add */ Mean = Total / Count; Diff = ima1.m[y][x] - Mean; if (Diff < 0) Diff = -Diff; if (Diff < Threshold) { /* Add point to region and consider neighbors */ Total += ima1.m[y][x]; Count++; ima2.m[y][x] = 1; if (x > 0) RegionGrow(x - 1, y); if (y > 0) RegionGrow(x, y - 1); if (x < Xdim - 2) RegionGrow(x + 1, y); if (y < Ydim - 2) RegionGrow(x, y + 1); } } }
Region Growing¥Ü·N¹Ï °ÝÃD¡G l
: ¿ï¾Ü¤£¦Pseed±N·|¦³¤£¦Pªº¼v¹³¤Á³Îµ²ªG¡F. l
¦pªGseedè¦n¦ì©óedge±NµLªk¶i¦æ¼v¹³¤Á³Î ¨â½g«n°Ñ¦Ò¤åÄm¡G
¨ä¥¦³Ì·s°Ñ¦Ò¤åÄm¡G Robert D. Stewart, Iris Fermin, and
Manfred Opper . Region growing with pulse-coupled