• Recall that a Kohonen SOM is a clustering technique, which can be used to provide insight into the nature of data. We can transform this unsupervised neural network into a supervised LVQ neural network.
  • The network architecture is just like a SOM, but without a topological structure.
  • Each output neuron represents a known category (e.g. apple, pear, orange).
  • Input vector
  • Weight vector for the jth output neuron
  • = Category represented by the jth neuron.  This is pre-assigned.
  • T = Correct category for input
  • Define Euclidean distance between the input vector and the weight vector of the jth neuron as:

LVQ Training Algorithm:


0 Initialise weight vectors to the first m training vectors, where m is the number of different categories and set . This weight initialization technique is presented here is only one of many different methods.
1 While stopping condition false, do steps 2 to 6.
2 For each training input vector x, do steps 3 to 4
3 Find J so that is a minimum
4 Update the weights of the J neuron as follows:



(i.e. move the weight vector w toward the input vector x)


(i.e. move w away from x)

5 Reduce learning rate
6 Test stopping condition: This may be a fixed number of iterations or the learning rate reaching a sufficiently small value.



Suppose we measure the weight and height of three apples and three oranges.  The input vector in this case would be x = (height, weight).  These input vectors are shown in the graph below.

  • Using only two neurons in the output layer, let the initial weight vectors of the first and second neuron be and respectively. 
  • Using a learning rate of 0.5, the graph below shows how the weight vectors of the two neurons change as the LVQ network is presented with the input vectors.  The order of presentation of the input vectors is
    (1,3),  (3,4),  (6,1), ... (1, 6).


Suppose there are three classes { red, blue and green}.  The applet animation below shows how an LVQ with two neurons per color, is able to adjust the weight vectors of its neurons so that they become typical red, blue and green reference or codebook  vectors.  As in the previous example, the input vector x has only two elements, which can then be shown on a 2D plot.

LVQ:  Two input neurons, Six neurons in the output layer


1100 1
0001 2
0011 2
1000 1
0110 2

  • Note there are only two different types of categories.
  • We shall only use 2 neurons in the output layer, i.e. m = 2 as shown below.

fig2.gif (3386 bytes)



Take the first two input vectors (since only 2 categories)  to set the weight vectors as follows:

Let us set


For the input vector 0011


Hence J = 2 since is the minimum value

Now since


For the input vector 1000

Find J = 1

Now since


For the input vector 0110

Find J = 1

Now since

STEP 5: Now reduce the learning rate

STEP 6: Test Stopping condition. : This may be a fixed number of iterations (excluding step 0 of course) or the learning rate reaching a sufficiently small value



LVQ2 : First Improvement

Let = current input vector

Let = weight (or reference) vector that is closest to i.e the weight vector of the winner neuron in the output layer.

Let = weight (or reference) vector that is the next closest to i.e. the weight vector of the runner-up neuron in the output layer.

Let = distance between and

Let = distance between and

Both vectors are updated if all of the following three conditions are satisfied:

  1. The winning neuron and the runner-up represent different categories i.e and represent different categories.
  2. The input vector belongs to the category as the runner-up i.e belongs to the same category as .
  3. The distances from the input vector to the winner and from the input vector to the runner-up are approximately equal. The specific condition is as follows:

    Update weights of the both winner and runner-up if


    where depends on the number of training samples.

    For example for the condition are


    fig1.gif (1651 bytes)

If the above three conditions are satisfied, then

    i.e move weight vector away from input vector.

i.e move weight vector towards from input vector.



LVQ2.1 : Second Improvement

Consider the two closest reference vectors and

The requirement for updating these vectors is that one of them belongs to the correct class (for the current input vector ) and the other does not belong to the same class as

  • Note that we do not care whether is closer to or to
  • Again it is also required that fall in the "window" in order for an update to occur as follows:


If these conditions are met, and suppose belongs to the correct class, the reference vector that belongs to the same class as is updated using

  i.e move weight vector towards from input vector.

and the reference vector that does not belong to the same class as is updated according to

i.e move weight vector away from input vector.



LVQ3 : Third Improvement

Allow the two closest vectors to learn if the following condition is met:

where a typical value for is 0.2.

  • If one of the two closest vectors belongs to the same class as the input vector, and the other vector belongs to a different class, the weight updates are as for LVQ2.1
  • But if and belong to the same class, the weight updates are for both and .  The learning rate , where .
  • This modification to the learning process ensures that the weights (codebook vectors) continue to approximate the class distributions and prevents the codebook vectors from moving away from their optimal placement if learning continues.



 Reading paper:

An online learning vector quantization algorithm

A methodology for constructing fuzzy algorithms for learning vector quantization

Function approximation using LVQ and fuzzy sets