The use of (1) which is an algorithm or recipe for fixing the weights without adapting to a training set may appear to run counter to the ideas being promoted in the connectionist cause. It is possible, however, to view the prescription in (1) as a short-cut to a process of adaptation which would take place if we were to obey the following training algorithm
where, as usual is a rate constant and
. It
is clear that the storage prescription is just the result of adding
all the weight changes that would accumulate under this scheme if
enough pattern presentations were made. The rule in (2)
is one of a family of rules known as Hebb rules after D. O.
Hebb. The characteristic of such a rule is that it involves the
product of a pair of node activations or outputs.
As a variation, suppose we had used the usual Boolean representation
for the components so that
is 0 or 1 The Hebb rule
would now be
. Interpreting
this, we have that the change in weight is only ever positive and only
occurs if both nodes are firing (output `1'). This is, in fact closer
to the original rule proposed by Hebb (1949) in a
neurophysiological context. In his book The Organization of
behaviour Hebb postulated that
When an axon of cell A is near enough to excite a cell B and repeatedly or persistently takes part in firing it, some growth process or metabolic change takes place in one or both cells such that A's efficiency, as one of the cells firing B, is increased.That is, the correlation of activity between two cells is reinforced by increasing the synaptic strength (weight) between them. Simpson (course book) contains a list of Hebb rule variants.